The governor of Qaramqul district started work
The ‘Change of District policy’ recently adopted by the government has also included a number of Turkmen youth in Jowizjan and Balkh provinces, promoted as the district governors.
But in Faryab province, with fourteen districts, eight of which are widely inhabited by Turkmens, Turkmens have not been hired for decades, even in the local administration despite with high credentials, a process that has drawn a series of criticism from the people. Finally, today a young man of Turkmen ethnicity started working as the governor of Qaramqul district.
Although Ibrahim Nouri’s appointment has been welcomed by the people, a large number of Turkmens in Faryab are asking the authorities to consider appointing another district governor from among the Turkmen ethnicity.
Have the empty promises made by the ruler of Faryab been fulfilled or has the new government policy, which took into account the appointment of the district governors by the local people, been implemented?
If the ruler of Faryab has done a favour to Turkmens and has appointed a young man as the district governor considering it as Turkmens’ rights, they should pay attention to the appointment of Turkmen youth in Faryab local administrations, or given the government policy that every governor is appointed according to the will of the people, should be materialised in Faryab.
Because in seven districts of this province, Turkmens live in large numbers and it is their inalienable right that the governors should be picked from among the youth of the district.
It is worthy to state that it is acceptable that a new governor and senator was appointed in the country where several million Turkmens live, but why should there always be as a successor to a Turkmen governor? Why should the governor in Saripul be a Turkmen, and not in Faryab, Mazar-e Sharif or in Herat, Jalalabad or Kandahar?
The removal of the only active and experienced minister of Turkmen ethnicity from the ministry was based on his competence, but why do the Turkmens do not possess a place in Ashraf Ghani’s cabinet? These are questions that have not yet been clearly answered for the people.
This is what I see today.
Qaramqul people who have been away from home for years due to war are neither considered as immigrants nor displaced. They live only in a world of despair. Their children are far from school. Their women’s rights are still trampled.
Their houses have been destroyed. Their dining tables are empty. Every time they are surveyed, they were not granted even a little aid. Why aren’t there any basic aids for the displaced people of Qaramqul? Of course, not everyone was an active and hard-working district governor. Today, with tears in their eyes and in a world of hope, the Qarmqulians attended the introduction ceremony of their recently appointed district governor.
They all have in their minds that their lives should change, and the Qaramqul schools be opened. Their houses should no longer be under mortars and rockets.