Four vaccinators were killed in four separate attacks in Nangarhar

Local officials in Nangarhar say four vaccinators have been killed in four separate attacks by unidentified individuals in the province.
Dr. Jan Mohammad, head of the exemption of Nangarhar Health Department, said unidentified individuals had killed four vaccinations in four separate attacks in the province.
According to him, the attacks took place in Jalalabad city, Khogyani district and Sarkhrod district around 8 and 9 o’clock this morning.
Dr. Jan Mohammad added that three other vaccinators were injured in the attacks.
Nangarhar Governor Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail also confirmed the incidents on his Twitter page, but said that one vaccinator had been killed and five others had been injured in the attacks.
However, no one or group has claimed responsibility for the attacks.