
Ministry of Public Health: This year, more than 15,000 measles cases have been registered in the country

The Taliban Ministry of Public Health says that more than 15,000 measles cases have been reported in 33 provinces this year.

Javed Hajir, a spokesman for the Taliban’s Ministry of Public Health, told Bakhtar News Agency that the number of measles cases among children had risen in the past two years due to a lack of public vaccination.

He said that during the current year, 15,904 cases of measles among children were registered in 33 provinces of the country and 124 children died as a result of the disease.

Hajir said that Kunduz, Kabul and Helmand provinces had the highest number of measles cases, including 1,097 cases in Kunduz province, 1,036 cases in Kabul province and 1,495 cases of measles in Helmand province.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Public Health added that Jawzjan with 54 fatalities, Ghor with 19 fatalities and Kunduz with 7 fatalities had the highest number of deaths due to measles during the current year.

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