Human Rights Watch: The Taliban have failed to prevent ISIS attacks against ethnic minorities in Afghanistan

The Human Rights Watch has announced that Hazaras and other religious minorities in Afghanistan have been repeatedly attacked by ISIS, but the Taliban have not taken any action to prevent these attacks.
In its latest report, Human Rights Watch said that the ISIS group has repeatedly attacked Hazaras and religious minorities in Afghanistan, but the Taliban have not taken any steps to prevent these attacks.
This report states that since August 2021, there have been 13 attacks against the Hazaras, for which ISIS has accepted responsibility.
Emphasizing that as a result of these attacks, at least 700 people have been killed and injured, this organization added that with the Taliban coming to power, the Hazaras in Afghanistan feel more insecure.
According to the report of this organization, the policies of the Taliban, based on which human rights are violated, especially the rights of women, intensify the damage caused by terrorist attacks.
Human Rights Watch wrote that the Hazaras are a predominantly Shiite ethnic group that has faced discrimination and abuse by successive Afghan governments for more than a century.