
Efforts Ongoing to Export Kandahar Pomegranates to China

Along with exports to Kazakhstan, Kandahar’s pomegranates are now set to be exported to China. 

The Kandahar Chamber of Commerce and Investment reported that discussions have been held with several Chinese traders about exporting Kandahar’s pomegranates to China, and efforts are underway to expand regional marketing further.

According to officials at the Chamber, 20,894 tons of pomegranates have already been exported to Pakistan, India, and Kazakhstan. 

Abdul Baqi Bina, the Deputy of the Kandahar Chamber of Commerce and Investment, stated: “We are working on a strategy to increase pomegranate exports and have already exported 20,894 tons of pomegranates to Pakistan, India, and Kazakhstan. We have also engaged in discussions with Chinese counterparts who have expressed interest.”

Residents of Kandahar report that pomegranate production has increased this year, though exports to foreign countries have been limited. 

Abdul Wasi Hesayal, a Kandahar resident, said, “Kandahar is very well-known for its pomegranates, and this year has had a large yield; however, exports have not been as high.”

Another resident, Nematullah Nemat, said: “Every year, 800 to 1,000 tons of our fresh fruit either goes to waste or is sold at low prices. We want Afghanistan’s fresh fruit to be used locally instead of Pakistani bananas and oranges, and for it to be exported abroad.”

Kandahar’s pomegranates, which are renowned worldwide, are cultivated on 15,000 hectares of land in the province, with an expected harvest of 274,000 tons this year.

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