Arts & Culture

Herat Opens Permanent Calligraphy Exhibition

To support and promote the art of calligraphy in Herat, a permanent exhibition of this art has been established in Ikhtiyaruddin Castle in the province.

Calligraphy panels with Islamic scripts have been hung on the mudbrick walls of the Ikhtyaruddin Fortress, connecting the past with the present.

Meanwhile, artists in Herat are hopeful that this exhibition will introduce their artistic creations to the world and provide opportunities for their sale.

“This exhibition is permanent. Previous exhibitions lasted only a week, after which each master would take their works back home. If, like other international exhibitions in many countries, these artistic works were published in book form and made available to the public, they would be taken into homes and preserved. Our request to the government is to support this initiative by publishing the works of masters in book form and making them accessible to people,” Abdul Jalil Tawana, head of the Herat Calligraphers and Calligraphy Association, told .

“When visitors encounter different Islamic scripts and study these works, they develop an interest in them, which may lead them to purchase these pieces and, in a way, support the artists,” Shamsuddin Nurizadeh, a calligraphy master, told .

 “The Herat school of calligraphy existed here; during the Timurid era and even before that, Herat was one of the Islamic world’s scientific and cultural centers. Our effort is to preserve this Islamic cultural heritage,” said Ghulam Yahya Herawi, another calligraphy master in Herat.

The permanent exhibition of Islamic calligraphy panels, displayed within the mudbrick walls of the Ikhtiyaruddin Castle, showcases the splendor and beauty of calligraphy.

Officials from the Herat Directorate of Information and Culture assure that they are working to foster the growth of calligraphy and establish a sustainable foundation for supporting artists in this field.

Hamidullah Ghayasi, head of culture and arts at the Herat Directorate of Information and Culture, stated with confidence: “We will provide any assistance within our capacity to calligraphy artists and continue our strong support.”

From the depths of Herat’s rich history, styles of calligraphy have emerged that are now recognized as symbols of beauty and cultural identity in many neighboring countries and across the region. Nastaliq, Shekasteh Nastaʿlīq, Naskh, and Kufic—these four pillars of Islamic calligraphy have deep roots in Herat’s soil, flowing onto paper for centuries and continuing to this day

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