Taliban officials announced the visit of Pakistani national security adviser to Kabul

Pakistan national security adviser Ma’id Yusuf arrived in Kabul today, said Taliban deputy spokesman Enamullah Samangani.
He said that the delegation will discuss various issues with the officials of the Islamic Emirate.
Pakistan’s national security adviser was scheduled to arrive in Kabul last week, but his trip was delayed for various reasons.
Speaking at a foreign relations session of his country’s parliament yesterday, he claimed that Pakistan was still in danger from Afghanistan.
Moayed Yusuf stressed that the Pakistani Taliban have been using Afghan territory against Pakistan for years.
“The Pakistani Taliban have been using Afghan territory against Pakistan for years. The presence of the Pakistani Taliban in Afghanistan cannot be ended overnight,” he said. “And there is no doubt that anti-Pakistan terrorist groups are operating inside Afghanistan.”
But Taliban officials have always insisted that they will not allow Afghan territory to be used against any country.
“The Islamic Emirate has good relations with all countries,” said Bilal Karimi, the Taliban’s deputy spokesman.