
increasing oil extraction in the Amu Darya basin; Activation of 25 new oil wells

The Deputy Economic Directorate of the Prime Minister’s Office says that with the activation of 25 new oil wells in the Amu Darya oil field, the amount of daily oil extraction in this field will reach three thousand tons. Hamdullah Fitrat, the deputy spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate, adds that there are currently 24 active wells in this area, from which 1,300 tons of oil are extracted daily.

According to Mr. Fitrat, the extracted oil is processed inside the country. Fitrat clarified: “Currently, we have 24 active wells that extract about 13.5 tons of oil. “The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum plans to activate another 25 wells by the end of this year, of which 18 new wells will be drilled, 2 exploration wells and 5 wells will be renovated.”

At the same time, some economic experts emphasize that the authorities should drill new wells based on a detailed and calculated plan and attract investors in the field of processing the extracted oil. Abdul Zohar Modbar, an expert on economic issues, said: “Afghanistan is rich in potential natural resources, but unfortunately we do not have modern machinery to process these resources.” “We need to cooperate with other countries to import processing equipment.”

Mohammad Asif Stanakzai, another economic expert, added: “Production and processing of natural resources can create job opportunities and have a positive effect on reducing inflation in Afghanistan.”

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, currently only 10% of Afghanistan’s oil needs are provided from domestic sources.

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