
Afghan Military Union Demands US Compensation, Return of Aircraft

The head of the union of generals, officers, and former soldiers of the country’s security forces, Shaur Gul Pashtun, has called on the United States to pay compensation for the killing of two million people in Afghanistan and the destruction of the country’s villages.

At a meeting in Kabul, Shaur Gul Pashtun criticized Uzbekistan for handing over seven Black Hawk helicopters to the US and urged neighboring countries to act responsibly, considering good neighborly relations and international laws.

“They destroyed millions of our weapons, two million people, and our villages. They must compensate us,” said Shaur Gul Pashtun.

The head of the union of generals, officers, and former soldiers also called on the United Nations to defend the rights of the Afghan people.

“The international community, which defends human rights and international law, should also stand up for the rights of the Afghan people,” he said.

At the same time, several former military officials have urged neighboring countries, particularly Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, to return all Afghan aircraft that landed in these countries following the fall of Ashraf Ghani’s government.

“These military assets belong to the nation and the people. They were part of the Republic’s structure to establish a national army and security institutions,” said Afzal Aman, former deputy minister of defense.

“The fifty-year war in Afghanistan has taught us many lessons, and we must unite,” said Kamran Aman, a former military officer.

The union of generals, officers, and former soldiers issued a resolution demanding that Afghanistan’s airspace be protected by neighboring countries and emphasized the return of former military personnel to the country.

This comes after Uzbekistan handed over seven Black Hawk helicopters to the US last month out of the 46 Afghan military aircraft that had been transferred to the country.

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